Mount Burr Swamp Purchase & Restoration


Please consider backing this fantastic project launched by Nature Glenelg Trust last week. You can make a direct contribution to the purchase and restoration of bittern habitat in the far south-east of South Australia. And thanks to Robbie, we know our bitterns in rice use these wetlands. This is a very worthwhile cause that will benefit a bunch of threatened species. Please get behind it and help spread the word: 



    • Hi Alan, I might have missed part of your message there but Nature Glenelg Trust are planning field days so there will be the chance to see the restoration take place over the coming years. It’s bound to become a top notch birdwatching spot.

  1. Yes thank you for your info. on the Bitterns we often holiday around the Glenelg river region specifically birds and photos in fact could of kicked myself as when Robbie was down their right at the beginning he must of been looking at us and I was mindfull that Bitterns could of been their. Just shows you have to be lucky but great to know they are at least thriving again have been following your page with a lot of pleasure. Keep up the good work Matt.
    Betty Woods

    • Many thanks Betty. It’s such a fantastic region, with a range of nationally significant wetlands, and it has a special connection with the NSW Riverina. It’s heartening that Nature Glenelg Trust and others are improving the prospects for threatened species there. All power to them.


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