Summary Booklet: The Story So Far, 2012-2016


We’re pleased to make available our freshly updated and expanded Bitterns in Rice Project summary booklet, The Story So Far: 2012-2016. It includes the second edition of our Bittern Friendly Rice Growing Tips. For hard copies, please contact Riverina Local Land Services, Ricegrowers’ Association of Australia or Birdlife Australia.

BIRP summary booklet 2012-2016 front page



  1. Matt, congratulations to you, Andrew and Inka as well as the legendary rice farmers. You have gathered a huge amount of information and established just how significant well-managed rice fields in the Riverina are for the Australasian Bittern to survive and indeed thrive. The benefits to many other species underscore just how ground-breaking this cooperation between farming and environmental science is. This really is an inspiring story, one that deserves to be heard far and wide.

    • Thanks Jenny. Your words are most encouraging. It’s a big team effort, with other key contributors like Neil Bull (RGA), Mark Robb (Coleambally Irrigation) and Anna Wilson (Riverina LLS). We’ve got some serious momentum now and the potential to marry farming and biodiversity conservation is huge.


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